Tuesday, September 11, 2012


On Tuesday, September 4th, I decided to pee on a stick. I had pregnancy on the brain, and though I was only 9 or 10 dpo (days past ovulation), I was still consumed by the thought.
Of course, I got a BFN, or "big fat negative," in pregnancy blog lingo. But I didn't want to give up hope. Shortly thereafter, my boobs started getting really sore. Now, I know some girls have that issue when they are due for their period, but I never have. So, that was my first clue. So on Saturday, September 8th, the first thing I did when I got out of bed was marched into the bathroom and took a pregnancy test. And 3 minutes later, there it was. My faint little BFP.
My heart skipped several beats, and I kept staring at the little stick to make sure my eyes were seeing it correctly. I remember when I first got pregnant with Natalie in June of '09, Dave and I scrutinized the damned thing until we were cross-eyed. I didn't have to do that this time - I knew what i was looking at was more than likely legit. I called downstairs to Dave and asked him to come and look at something. Though his face lit up, he immediately said, "take another one tomorrow, just to make sure." I think that was his scared-shitless-Dad reaction, haha. But he was excited, I know... especially because he knew how much I really did want this.

I went off birth control back around March. We figured, we'd try to get pregnant, but knowing that I had required the assistance of Main Line Fertility last time, we'd just see what happened until we decided to (needed to) seek their help again.
Admittedly, I started getting a little discouraged when month after month, I didn't end up pregnant, but I am not one of those crazy charters or temp-takers, so honestly it was my own fault that I wasn't taking my fertility by the horns and really trying to conquer it.

But as of 9/8/12, my worrying stopped. And so begins our real journey to becoming a (human) family of 4!

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